Idées de bricolage

- 10 - Idées de bricolage

This work sheet gives an overview of some important words and phrases used while at the supermarket by offering translation exercises.

This cross section of a house displays the various rooms. Pupils should write the correct words into the boxes.

Children´s rooms are often full of toys and clothes. Pupils can colour in the two boxes which belong together by looking at the translation.

The living room contains a lot of things. Pupils can connect the pictures with the words by drawing lines.

Several objects which you would find in the kitchen can be found on this work sheet. Pupils should connect the pictures with the words by drawing lines.

This work sheet includes several objects which you would find in the bathroom. Pupils can colour in the two boxes which belong together by looking at the translation.

On this work sheet is a reply written by a hotel to an inquiry from a potential guest. Pupils should read through it and fill in the gaps using the words from the box.

This work sheet explains the various parts of a clock which pupils can write down into the correct box. It also shows some different types of time - keeping.

Fiche pédagogique correspondant aux produits suivants

Here is a little crossword about household objects. Pupils should see how many they can get right.

Pupils get to know some important words and phrases used while at the bank by completing translation exercises.
